Wednesday, November 14, 2018


I have found it to be quite the contrast here, at QWest, Iraq vs my deployment to Afghanistan in 2011-12 in terms of the wildlife I see.  It must have been because our base and hospital were right on the flightline in Afghanistan (although we are pretty close here as well).  Maybe because of more flights there.  But I literally did not see one live creature in 7 months in Afghanistan, besides some flies in the hospital.  Not even a bird.....

Here in Iraq, however, a much different story.  It was like a wildlife zoo here!  I waited until the end to see if I could actually get pics of the two most amazing animals on base, foxes and jackals!  I actually did finally see a fox the other night, but was unable to get a picture in the dark and at that distance.  I did get to see her eyes light up and reflect my headlamp, but still don't know "what the fox says......"

In addition to wild canines, we have a few dogs that roam around the base, including a three legged one that I have not seen in a few months (probably finally got euthanized as they can spread disease so our preventative medicine people try to trap them and euthanize them). This is one of the 4 legged versions I saw roaming around.

I did not get any pictures of the cats on base, as they were much more wary.  We did have one in between the two layers of our hospital tent roof.  Not sure if it was avoiding the rain or chasing mice!  The only pics I could have taken were the ones when the cats were caged and about to get euthanized and were sad and I decided Morgan would not want those posted :(
The most interesting creatures on base was the large population of hedgehogs!  I had never seen a hedgehog before in all my 50 years!  Not live, not in a zoo, not even a picture.  They might just be the cutest animals ever!  Morgan, can we get one when I return?????

In addition to cute creatures I did see many birds and insects.  I even saw a beautiful, colorful toad on my way home from dinner one night.
In addition to the safe/interesting creatures, we also had potentially dangerous creatures here, as well, including scorpions ……..


and snakes!  Both of which were found in our living spaces and at the gym!  The scorpions are much scarier looking in Iraq than those found in Arizona that have attacked me!
After hearing so much about "camel spiders" for the last 18 years of our wars in the Middle East, I was very disappointed when I finally got to see one (freshly killed) in our tent hospital.  Not very impressive :(  It did, however, somewhat resemble a smaller version of the "crab legs" they served every Friday night in the DFAC.  Just sayin...….
Finally, on my first of laying out in the sun, I saw a lady bug on my chair!  I took this as a very good sign that we were almost done and would have safe travels back home!  YEA!



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