Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Landing in Kuwait at sunrise was an interesting site. The sunrise was beautiful but the scenery was a cross between the sandunes near Yuma and the last 20 miles to Rocky Point. The heat immediately blasted us at 0530 as we walked off the plane. After passing multiple security points, we finally arrived at Camp Virginia in Kuwait. I tried to picture 1 million US Marines, Army, and Air Force personnel, planes, tanks, and other vehicles massing here preparing to push north into Iraq back in 1990-91.
Our barracks consisted of a large tent, housing almost 20 commanders and lieutenant commanders in ours. The toilets were 50 yards away and had no lights. The showers were over 100 yards away through the dirt and sand, but they did actually have lights and hot water. The dining facility (or DFAC as they are called), was over a half a mile away through the fine sand. They did, however, have first-run (well, almost first-run) movies so I proceeded to see 5 movies over the next 3 days. They did have some other perks in Kuwait as well, such as O’douls served in the DFAC, a Starbucks, a McDonalds, and a Panda Express (there was no way in hell that I was trying a Panda Express out here!)
We had been up for 36 hours after the flight to Kuwait so most of us crashed the first day. The next 2 days consisted of paperwork, movies, reading, eating, sleeping, and travel plans. My group would fly straight to Kandahar.
As we piled in the bus to leave, I noticed the Chief Petty Officer sitting next to me in the front had a loaded clip of ammo for his M4 as he was our designated security. Between the full clip of ammo and him sternly telling our driver to “please put the cell phone down and do not touch it again” made it all too clear that we were now actually in a war zone and potentially dangerous area.

1 comment:

  1. FINALLY! I have been checking this blog for DAYS now waiting to get an update on your deployment! It definitely sounds interesting. Your writing is AWE-mazing! You make me feel what you are feeling. The story about the boy scouts etc, and the story about your designated security and the cell phone. That makes several TV shows and movies I have seen come to surface as you tell it.
    I am glad you got to "see" AJ's graduation. He is lucky to have such an amazing friend in Ben and his family!
    I saw Steph & Morgan the other night. They are doing well and seem to stay busy.
    We got to do an amazing act last weekend. There was an Army soldier that was killed in Afghanistan when he hit an IED about a week ago. He was from Mesa and they had his memorial in our community center in our housing development. Our scouts and several other packs in the area (including Garrett's) lined the street so the family of our fallen hero were welcomed by these boys and us in our uniforms holding flags and saluting them. It was the most amazing experience that I have ever been a part of. He was only 25.
    Thanks for finally sharing your pictures etc! Will keep checking for more! Take care of yourself!
    Love you!
