Monday, October 22, 2018

Where Has All the Tab Gone? A Shortage Panics Fans - The New York Times

Thanks to my good friend and fraternity brother, Mike Mitchell, for sending me the following article:

Where Has all the Tab Gone?  A Shortage Panics Fans. 

Here is the link:®ion=written_through&asset_id=100000006119338

And here is a link to one of the old TAB TV ads that immediately had me singing along with the all too familiar jingle I grew up with:

You MUST read the article!  However, it did not point out the fact that many of the 12 packs of TAB have also been shipped to Iraq, as well, to satisfy MY addiction to this wonderful, effervescent, saccharin and caffeine laden, deliciously satisfying drink known as TAB!

I have both squirreled away as well as consumed more than my fair share of the missing TAB cola!  Please do not notify the New York Times of my secret stash as I do not want to be inundated with requests!  Whether cheering on the 'Cats or getting ready to do paperwork or call family from my "office" in the ER, I am consuming this magical elixir known as TAB...…..

Unfortunately, for me, the weather here has both cooled off as well as become WET!  Not just the few sprinkles we had before, but a day-long deluge that had me hiding out in the gym for 4 hours yesterday waiting for it to abate (OK...…. yes I was working out as well:).  I even was able to see my breath this morning while on my way to the hospital to call home.  That is not the weather this native Arizonan enjoys.

Hopefully, I will not have to endure this for too long until I return to the sun and warmth of home in Phoenix, where my nephew Luke (who share's his uncles' incredible fanny-pack toting fashion sense) enjoys the sunshine while wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops!


1 comment:

  1. NICE!!!! Love that the Lukester made the blog!!!!! Can't wait for you to come home too! :-)
