Monday, January 16, 2012

I'm A "Clydesdale" Now: The Pull Up Competition

Despite my high hopes of winning my category (the "Clydesdale's" were 40 and over), it was not meant to be. Even my 6 hours of daily workouts could not put me "over the top." Although in my defense, the ones that beat me were all younger than me:)! OK, only by a year or two. I will admit there were some "stealth" pull up champions amongst my ranks that surprised me. I am in the gym all the time and I never see them doing pull ups. Maybe they have a chin up bar in their barracks??
The day was truly made complete (and hilarious), however, watching the Slovak champion perform. Picture in your mind the opening scene of "Troy." Agamemnon challenges the Thessalonian General to fight in "the old way," with each army's champion. When the Thessalonian calls "BOAGRIUS" and this giant of a man walks out. That is what it was like watching the Slovaks call for their champion, who walked up on the stage to the chin up bar, and removed his sweatsuit, revealing a 28 inch waist, a 48 inch chest, and at least 18 inch "guns." I was waiting for them to yell "BOAGRIUS" but it never happened. What did happen was he proceeded to casually do 40 pull ups using perfect form. AMAZING! I thought "thank God he wasn't a Clydesdale:)." NOTE: The Slovaks are known for their fanaticism in the gym, usually putting even my workouts to shame! Eventually, however, just like in TROY, "Boagrius" the Slovak was "slain" by my Corpsman Sean, who proceed to do 41 pull ups! In addition we raised over $500 for the Wounded Warrior Project.
In the end, I decided I must have lost due to a serious lack of working out, so I upped my workout to 8 1/2 hours that day;). Maybe next time..........

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